Our mission is to unite together women who are dedicated to enhancing the spirit of Coronado through educational, civic and philanthropic services.
To become a member you need to attend two meetings and work on an event. Annual dues are $85. We usually meet in a home of a member on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. Visit our Calendar or find us on Instagram for the most updated information. Our meetings consist of bites, drinks, great conversation and working towards our club goals.
Our Annual Fundraiser, held each October, is A Taste of Coronado. We also host an annual tennis fundraiser called Double Served every Spring.
CJWC also donates time, hard work and money to the following:
Halloween Window Painting
Coronado Flower Show
Thanksgiving Coloring Contest
If you are interested in joining the CJWC, fill out this form or if you just want more information, please email: cjwcmembership@gmail.com
Meet the Coronado Junior Woman's
2024-2025 Executive Board
President - Cory Stege
1st Vice President - Molly Housand
2nd Vice President - Lyle Anderson
3rd Vice President - Erica Lee
Treasurer - Eva Szymanski
Secretary - Chelsea Fox
Parliamentarian - Melissa Peirce
Historian - Madison Latifi
Publicity - Jamie O'Grady
Social Chairman - Stephanie Dooley
Amenities Chairman - Sam Lapid
Alternate - Emily Jensen
CJWC's fundraising events and volunteering have helped with scholarships, playground equipment, girl scouts, art, music, drama, athletic programs, library, Support the Enlisted Project (STEP), KMAC Foundation, Safe Harbor, Sharp Coronado Hospital, Coronado DARE, Coronado Schools, Camp Wamp, San Diego Fisher House, Special Education, Monarch Schools, A Walk on Water, Camp Able, and Coronado Historical Society.